STAR Assessment for Incoming Freshmen
Mundelein High School uses the STAR online assessment by Renaissance Learning as our incoming ninth grade placement exam. The STAR assessment is an online test that provides timely feedback on students’ literacy and math abilities. STAR assessments are computer adaptive which means the difficulty level of students tests are adjusted as they move through the assessment. The questions become more individualized based on how students answer the previous questions which makes the exam experience more accurate and personalized.
The STAR assessments directly measure the Common Core State Standards (the new IL State Standards) that are taught in our English, math, and literacy based courses. The STAR test results will serve as one data point among many in the placement process. Mundelein High School will also consider the student’s fall mathematics and reading MAP scores, other standardized tests administered at the middle school level, past course achievement, and eighth grade teacher recommendations.
- Incoming freshman will take the STAR test on Saturday, November 11, 2017 at Mundelein High School.
- 2017-2018 Placement Letter Home to Parents
- Star Test