Band Boosters

Band Boosters Officers


What do the Band Boosters do?


President: Serena Moon
Treasurer: Wendy McMurray
Secretary: Yvonne Buisson


Concert Band Uniform Chair: Marie Vesely
Equipment Co-Chair: Jaimie Patel
Equipment Co-Chair: Dave Buisson
Evening of Jazz Chair: Open
Fundraising Co-Chair: Chris Page
Fundraising Co-Chair: Heather Song
Hospitality Co-Chair: Heidi Gorsica
Hospitality Co-Chair: Jennifer Olorvida
Jazz Invitational Chair: Yvonne Buisson
Marching Band Uniform Co-Chair: Kara Nuzzo
Marching Band Uniform Co-Chair: Sara Roberts
Volunteer Chair: Silvia Benassi

The goals of the MHS Band Boosters as defined in the group's bylaws are:

  1. To create a closer working relationship between students, parents, school, community, and the band directors.
  2. To raise funds in order to provide financial support and enrichment for the band program.
  3. Support the music and performance program as defined by the band directors.

Parents in the Band Boosters volunteer for band program events and provide fundraising opportunities for both students and the program as a whole. The Boosters administer several fundraisers throughout the year providing all band students increased opportunities to study privately, attend summer music camps, upgrade their instruments, and travel on band trips. Fundraising events include traditional sales, music events like the Mundelein Invitational, a monthly fundraising program, Shop with RaiseRight and much more! 

All band parents are invited to become active participants in the MHS Band Boosters. It is a fantastic way to help encourage your student's participation in an extremely beneficial activity that is artistic, team-based, academic, and fun!  Whatever skill set you possess, the Band Boosters can put your talents to use.  Many hands make light work; if you only have an hour to give it will a difference.  Please come out and get involved!    


Join us at our Monthly Meetings

Meetings are normally held the first Thursday of the month in the MHS District Meeting room.  All are welcome to attend and learn about volunteer opportunities, fundraisers and future band events.

2020 Meeting Minutes 2021 Meeting Minutes 2022 Meeting Minutes 2023 Meeting Minutes 2024 Meeting Minutes 2025 Meeting Minutes
January January January January January January
February February February February February February
March March March March March March
April April April April April April
May May May May May May
August August August August August August
September September September September September September
October October October  October October October
November November November November November November
December December December December December December

Want to make a difference?

In the fall of each school year, please consider helping out with our Marching Mustangs.  We need a whole team of parents to help with uniforms, water, front ensemble instruments and chaperone at marching competitions.

In the spring, there is the Mundelein Invitational and Evening of Jazz.  Both of these events require many volunteers to make them a success each year. Look for the Band Blurb announcements that will detail any volunteer requests.

Documents & Forms

MHS Band Booster Bylaws

Escrow reimbursement form

Charitable donations form

Expense reimbursement form

Shop with RaiseRight