Mundelein High School Academics

MTSS Systems of Support


Multi-Tiered System of Support

What is Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)

MTSS is a comprehensive framework that ensures all students are given ample opportunity to succeed within the school community. This framework is also utilized as part of the special education eligibility process, as mandated by Illinois law. At MHS, MTSS involves a three-tiered model of research-based instructional strategies and interventions, together with a process of data-based decision-making, in order to meet all students' academic and social-emotional learning needs.


Mundelein High School's MTSS Framework

Tier 1

Tier 1 consists of the core curriculum and research-based instructional strategies provided within every classroom. Within any given class, a teacher must provide additional supports and monitor progress for any student whose grade falls into the D/F range. If a student continues to struggle despite these additional supports, the teacher must consult with the student's guidance counselor and the Department Chair. 

Tier 2

If a student's academic performance does not improve, the teacher will then refer the student for Tier 2 supports. Tier 2 supports are delivered to groups of students who may need supplemental instruction and/or more structured social-emotional supports. The primary Tier 2 academic support at MHS is the Homeroom Academic Support Center (HASC). Within the HASC there are four centers: Social Studies, English, Math, and Science. One faculty member is assigned to facilitate each HASC in lieu of a Homeroom assignment for the year. In order to refer a student to the Center in one of these departments, contact the MTSS Team.

Tier 3

If Tier 1 and Tier 2 supports do not result in adequate improvement, then Tier 3 supports are initiated. These supports are individually designed and intensive in nature. In order to refer a student for Tier 3 interventions, please contact the student’s counselor. The counselor will then problem-solve with the MTSS Team.

System of Support Directory

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Zires, Anabel Dean's Office Administrative Assistant 847-949-2200 x1391
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