Anticipated Benefits

Anticipated Benefits

The 2024 facilities referendum would fund the updating of aging infrastructure, address overcrowding issues, make health, safety and security improvements, upgrade instructional spaces and enhance Career & Technical Education areas. These high-priority improvements will provide many benefits to the school, including:

facility_lifeExtending the useful life of existing facilities


energy_efficiencyImproving building performance, including energy efficiency


health_wellness_safetyEnhancing health, wellness, and safety


repairsReducing costly and disruptive emergency repairs


adaEnhancing ADA accessibility for students, staff, and visitors


overcrowdingAddressing overcrowding issues and scheduling conflicts


hands_on_learningStrengthening hands-on learning and collaboration


expand_cteExpanding and enhancing Career & Technical Education programming


quality_teachersAttracting and retaining quality teachers and staff


propoerty_valuesProtecting property values